Possible to scale on one axis in world coordinate system?

At the end of Section 1 Lecture 6, the practice session has you add a box, then rotate it about 45 degrees, then apply the rotation so you can then scale it on a single axis to create the diamond shape.

In 3ds Max, the program I’m most familiar with, after you rotate the box, you can just scale it on one axis in the World coordinate system to create the diamond shape. No need to apply transforms (aka Reset XForm in Max).

My question: Is it possible to use the World coordinate system in Blender to replicate how Max works? I tried, but just got uniform scaling on the horizontal plane.

ofc you can…

S and then press the letter of the axis you want to scale X, Y or Z
You can also Lock an axis to not scale by hoolding Shift+X , Y or Z

If you double tap the letter of the Axis you change the orientation from World to Local, so even if you have rotated the object you can still scale properly to the object orientation. (when the transformations are not applied)

Note: Rotating the mesh in edit mode does not configure a rotation to the object itself

Thanks, but I’m not getting it. I rotate the box 45 degrees, then press S followed by X (or Y), and then move the mouse, and I get the same result as before: uniform scaling on the XY plane (remember, I’m going for a diamond shape).

I also tried locking axes as you describe but I’m not getting the results I describe in my OP.

Also, I don’t understand your last sentence: What does “configure a rotation to the object itself” mean?

Do a little test here for your understanding.

Rotate a cube doenst matter which in all directions if you like in object mode and then scale on the X
Move that aside and then add in another cube, Go into edit mode and rotate the cube. Then come back to object mode and scale on the X

This is the difference of doing things in object and edit mode. If you do things in edit mode then they are already applied to the mesh and object. If you do it in object mode they are not applied so its different.

Hope this clarifies

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