Porting game to Samsung VR

I build the Squashy toad application for cardboard, and I have a Samsung VR. Then, i rewatched the videos for implementing the gear VR and copied those steps, and the game is a mess. Am I stuck working each video from the beginning or is there something somebody can point to me for help?

I ran into a similar issue recently with the GearVR SDK, you need to dig into the docs as there were changes recently to the SDK and Unity 5.4 has even more changes to the build pipeline for VR. It probably needs an update in the courseware, as IIRC it was a major implementation change.

Thanks for the heads up @ninjachimp. We will look into it.

Was this ever “looked into”?

I’m afraid it must have slipped the net. Have you tried following the Gear VR instructions online?

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