Pointy Wedge

My dimension numbers were a little weird so I estimated half to make whole numbers.
It looks more pleasing.

if you had of changed the scale to .5 on x,y,z it would halved the dimensions for you. saves you trying to work them out.

heres mine.


Thank you. I realized that after I posted.

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Whilst doing mine the bottom of the wedge went a bit lopsided, any ideas why? It was find before I started moving it around?

Another try

It looks to me as though it’s just the angle of the view that makes it look kind of wonky. I’ve experienced similar viewing issues, but if you press the middle mouse button, you can rotate your view to make it look better. Or you can press one of the numpad numbers to align the view to top, front, side, back, etc.

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It looks like you have rotated the wedge slightly to me. In the properties shelf Y seems to have a value of -4 and Z 7.99 I would change these to 0 and see what happens.

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