Pleased and disappointed

I’ve created this countless times now and it’s driving me crazy. The topology looks good but on rendering it introduces artifacts around the area where the boolean is performed.

I would appreciate any advice. It’s not a low poly model (around 1800 faces) but still, the mesh looks reasonable to me. If I set the mean crease, I start getting a toothy like appearance (you can see the quads) around the area where the bool is performed.

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Check normals are all facing out. Routine Check for all such issues.
Then, In edit mode, edge selection mode, select all the outline edges of the notch to exterior bishop shape and right click, ‘Mark Sharp’.
Then in the Object data Properties(green triangle) Normals drop twiddle down, tick ‘Auto Smooth’. Further tweaking of the Angle slider may also be needed to make fine adjustments.

(You may additionally need to add extra edges along the set you marked sharp as an alternative, extrude, enter, no movement. Alternative, may not be needed.)


Thanks. The last part seemed to do the trick - auto-smooth normals. I probably do need to add extra geometry although a small bevel may do the trick. when I subdivide it goes all messy so definitely needs work. Progress at least.

Thanks again.

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