Please review my code for the "Solo Challenge"

Here is my code for the “Solo Challenge”. I have completed the challenge and the game is working properly, but I would still like to know if there is any scope of improvement.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour
    string gamingName;

    //Game states
    int level;
    enum Screen {HomeScreen, MainMenuScreen, GamePlayScreen, WinScreen, TryAgainScreen};
    Screen currentScreen;

    //Passwords and Response Messages
    string[] passwordsForLevels = {"LibraryPassword", "PoliceStationPassword"};
    string[] congratulationsMsg = { ", You just hacked into the Library's Network. I see why you did that. You have fine written all over you.", ", You just hacked into the Police Station's Network. I see guilty people." };
    string[] tryAgainMsg = { "I think you are cool, but this is not working.", "It doesn't work...... why?" };

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start() {
        //AskDetails Screen

    //Taking User Input
    void OnUserInput(string input) {
        print("The user has entered " + input + " as input");

        if (currentScreen == Screen.HomeScreen)
            input = input.Trim(' ');
            if (input != null && input != "")
                gamingName = input;
                Terminal.WriteLine("Entered username cannot be blank");
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.MainMenuScreen)
            if (input == "1" || input == "2")
                level = Int32.Parse(input);
            else if (input == "3")
                Terminal.WriteLine("Entered level does not exist. Please enter a valid level.");
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.GamePlayScreen)
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.WinScreen)
        else if(currentScreen == Screen.TryAgainScreen)
            if(input == "1")
            else if(input == "2")
                Terminal.WriteLine("Entered Input is Invalid.");

    //Methods to compute
    void CheckPassword(string enteredPassword) 

        if (enteredPassword == passwordsForLevels[level-1])
        } else

    //Home Screen 
    void ShowHomeScreen() 
        currentScreen = Screen.HomeScreen;
        Terminal.WriteLine("*****Welcome to Terminal Hacker*****");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Please enter you username. Please make sure that there are no blank spaces in \nyour username");

    //MainMenu Screen
    void ShowMainMenuScreen() 
        currentScreen = Screen.MainMenuScreen;
        Terminal.WriteLine("*****Welcome to Terminal Hacker*****");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Welcome " + gamingName);
        Terminal.WriteLine("What would like to hack into?");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 1 for the Local Library");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 2 for the Police Station");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 3 to go back to Home Screen.");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Enter you selection");

    //GamePlay Screen
    void ShowGamePlayScreen() 
        currentScreen = Screen.GamePlayScreen;
        Terminal.WriteLine("*****Welcome to Terminal Hacker*****");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Hey " + gamingName + ", Welcome to level " + level);
        Terminal.WriteLine("Please enter the Password......");

    void ShowWinScreen()
        currentScreen = Screen.WinScreen;
        Terminal.WriteLine("*****Welcome to Terminal Hacker*****");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Congratulations " + gamingName + congratulationsMsg[level - 1]);
        Terminal.WriteLine("\n\nDo you wanna hack something else?... Please any key to go to the Menu");

    void ShowTryAgainScreen()
        currentScreen = Screen.TryAgainScreen;
        Terminal.WriteLine("*****Welcome to Terminal Hacker*****");
        Terminal.WriteLine(tryAgainMsg[level - 1]);
        Terminal.WriteLine("\n\nDo you wanna try again... Press 1 to try again.");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 2 for going to the Menu");


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Fantastic job for doing the challenge and getting the game to work properly!

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Thanks :metal:

Isn’t using arrays cheating at this point? :smiley:

If it helps you to learn something new… Maybe you should cheat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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