Please help me about explosion VFX

Hi guys,

I just created a boom explosion VFX, when I clicked Play, it’s still nothing happend but when I assigned it to Enemy Object, VFX wasn’t appear.

Have anyone can help me please… Thank you…

Hi Brian,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Is the z-position of the background set to 10, the z-position of the camera to -10 and the z-position of the other game objects to 0?

Does the VFX game object appear in the Hierarchy during runtime?

Hi Nina,

Thank you for your comment, VFX still appear in Hierarchy during runtime. When I started game, Boom VFX still run but when I applied it to Game Object, nothing happended. Although before that, I followed Mr.Risk and be successful creating Explosion effect, I also added other VFX and both of them run well. Just only boom effect, I don’t know why.

Here is two VFX I created

Check your enemy prefabs. Is the correct VFX referenced there? And is “Play On Awake” enabled in the VFX prefab?

Yes Nina, if VFX is correct and Play On Awake already enable. Here is my code, inspector and VFX

What’s the value of durationOfExplosion? Have you already tried to add Debug.Logs to your code to see what is going on during runtime?

Also try to increase the Start Lifetime in the Particle System a bit because 0.5 seconds is a bit too low. Set it to like 3 or 5 for testing purposes to ensure that you’ll definitely be able to see something if the VFX game object gets instantiated.

After bunch of time, I finally figured out the problem. That’s because of Duration and Rate Over Time. Thank you for your support ^^!

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