Please fix

Maybe I’m just too new, but this tutorial broke my game and I had to download yours to fix it.

During the tutorial, you use the wrong class (ThirdPersonCharacter in the Enemy script) and correct it later (to AICharacterControl). I didn’t realize it would change that class name throughout all scripts. So when I finally figured out that was what happened, and tried to fix it, it just permanently messed me up. I tried to copy and paste all your scripts into mine, but then it was referencing objects that didn’t exist. I tried to fix it in Unity, dragging and dropping scripts and reverting to prefabs but nope. It was just messed right up.

So I’ve managed to download your version of the game at this point and it’s working, but I wanted to STRONGLY suggest to either redo the tutorial without the error, or maybe insert some instructions on how to correct the class without rewriting the names for all places it appears in all scripts.

What did you do exactly to mess things up so bad? Did you do Ctr-R R to rename the class?

I think you can solve it, though you will need to go and rename the class and each of its appearances by hand, over each and every script. For the Third Person Controller scripts for example, it’s best to remove and reimport the entire package (make sure you back up anything you made and stored there). In case you did changes directly to it (can’t blame you, I did), review the code and note down the changes or something.

Then after reimporting, start checking one by one each error in your code. Be careful as anything you leave/change that shouldn’t (and doesn’t throw any error) will cause unexpected behaviours, and could be troublesome to locate later.

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