Playteseting bug?

While I was testing the game, I found a bug, this could not be a bug, but to us [me and my play tester] it looked like a bug, as even though the entered value was a isogram, IsIsogram returned false, once, then it was fine again.
54 AM
It only happened with “crest” and “tires” at the end of the play, after a bunch of rubbish, “plane”,“heart”,“stare”,“opera”, “great”. [not in the correct order] The game was also running for a long time, as it was hard. word used: “tries” .
There are no spaces before “tires” and “crest”, which are inputed by the player, They are i the code, and the code runs for the other isograms mentioned above.
xcode 9, mac osx 10.12.6
This is the version of the game after Lecture 48.

Basically, this bug has also come up with “heart”, when entered in the game afterwards, using the same version of the game and everything is same.
07 AM03 AM
It even gives a error saying you have to enter in only lowercase letters,
even though “heart” is lowercase

Edited Mon Sep 25 2017 11:01

You’d have to show your code for checking the user’s input (guess).

This Bug Was Probably because of some glitch in my Xcode because, after restarting my mac it was perfectly fine. I I will upload my code anyways as part of the “Polishing and Packaging” Lecture,
anyways, Thanks

I have anyways done the code again on VS on my Windows computer, so It all works and it is also like a refresher, so I dont have this issue anymore.

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