PlayerPrefs base saving system

Hello, I am preparing a mobile game that includes a shop. I save my shop state with a string, to save this string I use PlayerPrefs. My game works and saves everything correctly in the editor but when I build apk problem is starting the problem is; game saves shop state correctly when the game is running but when I quit the game my shop state turns to default (so every item that player bought are deleted). But interesting thing is coins and high score do not go. I use PlayerPrefs.Save() when needed I even try it in Update() but nothing changes.

    public string content = "hope";

    public void Load(ShopItem item) // works when shop run.
        int itemIndexInt = item.itemIndex;
        int itemIsBoughtInt = item.isBought;
        string contentPart = itemIndexInt.ToString() + itemIsBoughtInt.ToString();
        content += contentPart + ITEM_SEPERATOR;
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("content", content);

    public void Save(ShopItem item) //works when user buy or equip something (onclick)
        string[] itemsArray = PlayerPrefs.GetString("content").Split(new[] { ITEM_SEPERATOR }, System.StringSplitOptions.None);

        for(int i = 0; i < itemsArray.Length ; i++)
            if (Equals(itemsArray[i], item.itemIndex.ToString() + item.isBought.ToString()))
                itemsArray[i] = item.itemIndex.ToString() + item.isBought.ToString();
                content = content.Replace(itemsArray[i] ,item.itemIndex.ToString() + "1");
                item.isBought = 1;
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("content", content);

The string that I want to save is content thanks all for helping.

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