Player ship transform position not zero messing with clamp

I found a silly work around for my ship that may be helpful to someone else. My ship has and still has a global position even if I copy and paste/ reimport it into my scene. To get around this I created an empty game object and assigned the player controls to this empty object and then added my ship inside of the now 0,0,0 object. I’m sure if i looked hard enough theres a way to set an origin of an object to 0,0,0 without it resetting globally like blender but I sure couldn’t find it in 15 minutes lol.

No, this is how you do it. There is no other way to set the ship’s global position to (0,0,0) without actually moving the ship to (0,0,0)

So in the video presented the child object shows a position of 0,0,0 relative to the parent object. Unity is not showing this as relative when selecting my ship in the exact manner shown in the video, also verified the ship is a child of the parent object. I had to create an empty object that acted as a child to the parent bc for some reason my ship was statically set to not be a child if this makes sense. When adding my ship object to the newly created empty object it still has a global position instead of changing to a relative position to the origin of the parent object. The empty object functions correctly set to origin 0,0,0 within the constraints of the parent object and is where I added my key functions; that is a parent of my ship. So the code now works as needed for my ship. Twas a mouthful and hopefully not terribly confusing lol

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