Player not moving through GrassTrigger box

If you come across an issue where your player won’t go through the Box Collider for GrassTrigger, there is a way to fix that with ease. Go to you Player in the Hierarchy, go to Rigidbody and look for “Layer Overrides”. Click the arrow to open and then click the drop down menu for “Exclude Layers”. Select the LongGrass layer. That should allow you to move through the box collider and continue counting the steps for walking in the grass.

If your player is not going through the box colliders it’s probably because you didn’t check the ‘Is Trigger’ box on the collider. Excluding the layer is likely not the way to go because that then renders the box colliders pointless and you may as well not have created them at all. Your player won’t be interacting with them, meaning they no longer have purpose

Ah, I did not check for that. I assumed it was already checked by default for some reason. Thank you for the clarification.

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