Player Name

My player is going to be named “Square Bob”. This section looks like fun!


lol i get it, Im going to name my player, “Butters”

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Glad you saw the humor in my player’s name! I think yours is very appropriate as well! :slight_smile:

That’s so funny that you said that. As soon as he challenged us to “think of a name for your player” my mind immediately said “Bob.”

I guess it has to do with the yellow square. I immediately thought of Sponge Bob. :rofl:

Really couldn’t think of anything. Decided to just call mine Sidestep. :stuck_out_tongue:


Obviously, the player will need to be named “Squarrel” , and should probably have a tail to help show which direction it’s moving.


Mine’s getting called Quaad (wanted to go with quad for quadrilateral but it seemed boring - why not throw another vowel in!) :laughing:

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Through different events, I have started the new course after updating unity to 2020, old course felt wrong haha! My name for my player will just be Cubeno (Cube-ee-no). Loving this fun new section to get back into coding and creating again!

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I loved your player’s name, mine is going to be trippy

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Well, if the player character is a square peg, its name is obviously “Peggy”… :grin:

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Mine is dreamy
Because I’m focusing on building my dream game.
I’ll follow this motif throughout the course

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