Player Name (2nd Try)


That is not a question, in the ask section? Please clarify.

One of the first challenges in the Unity 3D course is to make up a name for your character. This is what I did. I understand that it appears to be in the Ask section, but I have no idea how to change this or how to control where my questions post.

Ah was it also supposed to be in the Unity not Blender section?

Yes. I assumed that it would post along with all the other posts of character names people were putting up. I went to look for it after I posted it to make sure it posted correctly but I get very confused and lost every time I look at a posts on the forum so I just assumed it was ok. I don’t know if it’s possible to move this post to the correct location, or should I just delete it. And if I repost it, how can I control where my post will end up?

I can move it to the Unity ask section and someone else might then move it to wherever they add this. Or you can by editing the first post and changing the drop downs selections.

I can do the drop down. Should I put this under show or talk?

Wherever you saw others doing the same thing would be my suggestion.

I checked and they’re doing both. I’ll just do Show. I’ll move it now. Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

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