I used to really enjoy the Age of Empires series, perhaps a bit simplistic on the resource gathering aspect compared to these but they were great fun. Planet Base appealed possibly because of my recent enjoyment of The Martian film and book, plus the graphics looked very pretty.
As with all games I have found myself going “grrr” a few times and asking myself, out loud, whilst sitting in a dark room, on my own… why they made it do that… but I guess they didn’t design the game with my specific, and at that time, unknown, requirements to hand… It has been suggested recently that the Earth doesn’t revolve around me… imagine my surprise…
Case in point - at the start of the game you get a few different “types” of people who step out of their space ship (it’s quite a cool scene actually) - you then need to build an oxygen generator (a small room/building that makes oxygen!), after that you can connect an air lock to it - now they can walk inside and breathe (they die real fast if you don’t do this!)…
Now… being that they just built the oxygen generator room, I find myself asking why it was necessary to add an airlock to get inside it… could have built it from the inside! I try to put that aside… but what really grinds my gears is that fact that as you spread out across a planet your rooms/buildings have to be linked with other existing buildings… so when the terrain gets in the way what you cant do is go plop an oxygen generator room/building down and add an airlock to it…
If I can do it once, there shouldn’t really be any reason to not be able to do it again, unless, you are trying to deliberately force the player to connect all of their buildings together… grrrr…
That aside there are so many other enjoyable bits in the game I can, I suppose, get over it… maybe… at some point in the future… grrrr…