Plane flight animation

Here is my first animation of a simple plane flight.


Looks good, just feels like it gets too close to the camera at the end?

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I did it on purpose, so it seems that the plane flies over the operator. Maybe no so good idea, but I thought it would be funny.


Ah no problem if intended for that effect. :duck:

Anyway, thank you for your reply and suggestions!

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Good work, I admit I laughed with the handbrake turn at the end, the pilot would pass out with the G-force.

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Yeah I know that it’s really far away from perfection. But actually they are my first works, so I know that next work I’ll improve my skills.
I appreciate the reply, and any kind of criticism. I just didn’t want to spent more time with this work, and move forward. Because it’s also 10 sec animation from course.


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