Plane challange, simple blocky plane

Simple block plane so far. Just followed instructions this time. Tried to make a plane on my own before I started this class. More like a jet but still needs work.

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This is what i came up with.
Thank you guys for making it so easy to learn that
amazing stuff.

definitely not the last course ill take!!!


I absolutely love this post. All planes are different and unique! Here is my take on the challenge. 116 verts and 106 faces.

My block plane … keeping it simple


I referenced a picture of a wooden toy for this biplane.

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looks like we used the same reference picture lol. good job btw

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Basic cubic hydro plane !

My little toy plane


I also used a picture of a wooden toy as reference. This is what I came up with.

Fun course so far, thanks!


Ha! Yeah they’re virtually identical. Thanks btw!

Made it out of nothing but the starter cube and lots of mesh editing!

Here is my plane and reference image. :slight_smile: SX355


plane chalenge

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My first attempt…aircraft

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Well, I didn’t have any toy planes available so I pictured a plane in my head and went with it.
Not too shabby considering the time put into it, but I expect to do cooler things in the future ^^


Here it is plane and simple

Sea plane

Made a sea plane. I used some subdivision to get the thinner plane tail out of the middle of the trunk. Also applied the knowledge of linked duplicates to get all the posts in positions.

sea plane trouble

There are these greyish blurry line in places near where I have used subdivision, very confusing.

Threw this together pretty quick, but it came out fairly well regardless for the time used. Only used a few extrusions in this one, but enough to get the general idea.


plane post party whooo


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