Placing New Mesh Question

I did it essentially the same way as he did in the video, except I forgot to move the new cylinder mesh down 1 meter right after creating it. Is the only way to easily move the cylinder mesh down moving it right after creation, or is there a better way to select the cylinder’s mesh without selecting the dome?

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Hi, not sure what the challenge is (too long ago).
But if you have multiple mesh things in one object.
There are some tools to select a mesh or part of a mesh.
(see select drop down menu)

To select a particular mesh, like the cylinder, in edit mode.
You could select one vertex from the cylinder and press l (linked).
To select all linked in the cylinder.

With the ‘g’ grab command, you can move the selected mesh.
Use ‘gz’ to move along the z-ax.

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Fedpete is correct in this as you should have added the second object in edit mode so it should be the same object and only adding the mesh data to the original object.
Thanks as always :slight_smile:


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