Pixel Art Fundamentals | Introduction To Pixels | Trace Favorite Pixel Art

I traced this sprite of Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game

This shot is showing the ‘final trace’ with onion skinning enabled.
I was very surprised how few colors were really used and how much of the ‘outline color’ was used in areas like the belt area and shadow.

The sword ‘hilt’ is so abstract up close, but works well when zoomed out.
I also noticed a single gray pixel between the sword hilt and Leonardo.
This is the only time in the whole image that color is used.
I guess it helps to separate it from him and also bring home the idea that this is a ‘metal’ sword (even though it it is white and gold)


I love this so much! :smiley:

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Very cool!
What do you think of these?
My first two projects:


So much fun (and work) in these two.
It reminds me of old Atari games … :wink:

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Thank you FedPete,

I’m still learning everyday.
Last night, I put them into a little story or series.

“Defeat the Villain and Get the Girl”


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