Pivot Point median

In the beginning of the lesson section 2 lesson 21 all 3 objects are selected so the 3d manipulator is in the middle of the 3 objects but it does not rotate around from that point. It still rotates from the cube only. How do I get blender to rotate from the manipulator? I can’t move on to the rest of the lesson until I figure this out.

Hi OGAngryHulk,

I think you should select “Bounding Box Center”

Or, select “Median Point”

I hope this could help

That just places the manipulator where it’s supposed to be. I’m trying to use the middle mouse button to rotate around the three objects from the manipulator as the origin. That is not happening. No matter what I do the origin of the middle mouse button rotation is the intersection of the green and red lines.

Could you please upload a screen shot or video of the issue, so i may help.
Or, post your question on Q&A of the the course, so instructors may help

I have figured out the problem with the help of the blender discord, at least I think. In the user preferences there is a option to rotate around selection which is what I’m trying to do. The problem was that I couldn’t do what the instructor does in the video at 1:47 here: https://www.udemy.com/blendertutorial/learn/v4/t/lecture/6630018?start=210 If you don’t have access to this video I can get something to you. I also thought this was the Q&A.
I found where the Q&A section is and I posted there as well. Thank you for the info.

Glad to help :slight_smile:

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