Pivot point assigned in sprite editor lost when adding top

Somehow I can’t manage to add the top to my scene while preserving the bottom pivot point as defined in the sprite editor.

I named it ‘top’ and set its pivot point to ‘Bottom’

When adding it to the sprite renderer of the ‘Top’ child gameobject of the ‘StarTrophy’, its pivot point is at the middle :frowning:

Plaese advise

P.S.: This happens both with the trophy I prepared myself and with th ‘trophy cut’ retrieved from this lecture’s code changes :rage:

did you clicked on Apply after editing it on the sprite editor?

yep, over and over gain


I feel so stupid: the pivot point is ok, I now realize I had the toggle button to the right of the transform tool buttons toggled to ‘Center’ iso ‘Pivot’

Can’t hide I’m a noobie :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply, made me look at it again and discover the answer

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No problem, it happens. I have lost some changes to the pivot because of forgetting to apply them xD n00b mistake as well :joy:
I am glad that you solved it :slight_smile:

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