Pivot Challenge: Door Animation

I used the shift+s pie menu → Cursor to Selected in edit mode to snap the 3D cursor to certain vertices and then back to object mode, right click for context menu → Set Origin → Origin to 3D Cursor. This way I have the object pivot so I can easily rotate things. Did this for both the door and the handle.

The handle is parented to the metal plate which is in turn parented to the door so it moves with the door. And the same with the door to the frame so it’s easy to move around as a unit.


Just realized there’s no handle on the inside. I guess there’s no getting out…

Edit: Also rendered the animation in PNG format and then dragged all the files into ScreenToGif. Adjusted the delay between frames to 41ms which is roughly equal to 24fps; the same as the animation settings I’m using in blender.


Very nicely done.

You do not have to use gifs, if you make a video you can link to it on YouTube or similar.

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I just think it’s so much easier to deal with gifs. They’re small and easy to just upload here directly and they loop nicely.

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Using a gif is actually not a bad idea for sharing such a short animation. Thanks for letting us know your proccess. It’s always helpful to yourself as a reminder of what you did, too.

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