Pins moving

So, since the beginning, my pins slowly start to wobble then fall over the longer they sit there. I thought at first it was my model not being flat:

As you can see, both my collider and pin mesh is flat on the floor. They just slowly begin to start wobbling and it increases. This is even with the ball not going, it is on their own. Anyone run into this? Any ideas on a fix?

If you use the pins provided by Ben, and with everything else exactly the same, do you have the same bug?

Haven’t tried his pins. I am using the ones I made for the bowling blender course. bottoms are flat… I have no idea why its doing it

Swapping your pins for the course ones takes less than 30 seconds, and with that you can be 100% sure that is not a problem with your pins, after that you can start to check other things inside Unity.

Are you instantiating them directly on the lane or using the lowering animation?

I swapped out his meshes with mine, and I even tried directly putting his in the scene. Same result, they shake. I have them sitting on the lane right now, not lowering yet. I think it has something to do with the Convex Mesh collider. They sit there just fine if I turn it off, just cant have any collisions.

Do you have a repo of your project so I can download it and check it to see what’s wrong?

Yes here it is… sorry, was away from home and my phone died lol:

Or you can try this if the above does not work:

Ok, I made some tests, and it’s definitely a problem with your mesh collider.

You can check it if you go and change the mesh in the Mesh Collider component of the Collider child object of every pin from your collider to the pin_collider given by Ben (you’ll need to change the size from 1 to 0.1 thou). If you do this, you’ll see that your pins prefab won’t wobble anymore.

I’m not able, though, to help you understand why your collider isn’t working properly, I haven’t studied Blender at all, but at least we managed to isolate the problem so you can work on it. :wink:

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Thank you for that, I found the issue. I didn’t have to switch colliders. I had to inflate the mesh of my collider to .01 and it works perfect now :slight_smile:

Yeah, I saw that too, but I’d still check why without inflating the meshes the pins wobble (and why you have to size the parent pin objects to 10).

Keep in mind that inflating colliders decreases the accuracy of collisions and increases the memory occupation (since it creates a new instance of the mesh).

Because the original model was too small, and it didn’t change once I fixed it in blender. Made the changes now. Thanks for pointing that out :slight_smile:

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