Pine and Benches

Here is my scene with pine trees and benches, all done in under twenty minutes: I timed myself to model the base tree in five minutes, then in five more minutes I duplicated and altered it to flesh out the grove; another five minutes to model a bench and final five minutes to duplicate and place it, and to set ground, camera and light


Well done. Good to time your work if looking to make any career in the field I suspect.
We hobbyist can take for ever on everything. Luxury.

Thanks :slight_smile:
This is just a hobby to me (I’m a software developer), still I sank a lot of time in the appeal challenge just texturing the background walls, for example, so I found it interesting to time myself in this case.
Also, having a full time job and two kids I don’t really have a lot time on my hands for my hobbies :smiley:

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