Pinball Launch Ball gauge. Better code suggestions?

So i’ve just completed the challenge involving launching the pinball.
I’m doing this with an Area Effector, and having it be activated when Spacebar is pressed.
But i wanted to go a step further and add in a gauge (a mini game) where a circle sprite is moving left and right, and the closer to the centre it is when you press spacebar, the more force is applied.
I’ve made it wok, but i was wondering if there was a quicker, or better way i could have done this. Possibly some mathF.somthing I don’t know about.
I’ve tried to explain my working and reasoning in the code, but happy to explain anything if it’s unclear.

Launch Ball Script

public class BallLauncherPower : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] Vector2 startingPlace; // (-6.5,0)
    [SerializeField] Vector2 finishingPlace; // (6.5,0)
    [SerializeField] float movingSpeed = 1f;
    [SerializeField] Vector2 velocity =;
    [SerializeField] AreaEffector2D ballLauncher;
    Vector2 target;

    void Start()
        transform.position = new Vector2(startingPlace.x + 1f, startingPlace.y);
        target = finishingPlace;
    void Update()
        transform.position = Vector2.SmoothDamp(transform.position, target, ref velocity, movingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);


        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { CalculateForce(); }
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { ballLauncher.enabled = false; }
    private void Direction()
        Vector2 currentPosition = transform.position;
        // SmoothDamp goes to slow near the end for where i'd like, so set the start/finish positions 1f further away,
        // and activated the direction switch sooner (by 1f)
        if (currentPosition.x >= finishingPlace.x - 1f) { target = startingPlace; }
        else if (currentPosition.x <= startingPlace.x + 1f) { target = finishingPlace; }
        else return;

    private void CalculateForce()
        float midPosition = finishingPlace.x + startingPlace.x;
        // finishplace.x = 6.5,  startplace.x = -6.5, so to get 0, need to plus them,

        float targetPosition = transform.position.x;
        if (targetPosition <= midPosition)
            float force = (targetPosition - startingPlace.x - 0.99f) * 181f;
            // max force aimed for is 1000f, requires * 181f to get that if the target is in the centre (0)
            // 0 - -6.5 -0.99f = 5.51,  *181 = 997.31,.. close enough :)
            // 0.99 ensures i dont multiply by 0.
            // if its at futhest end,. -5.5 - -6.5 - 0.99f = 0.01 * 181f = 1.81 force.
            ballLauncher.forceMagnitude = force;
        else if (targetPosition >= midPosition)
            float force = (finishingPlace.x - targetPosition - 0.99f) * 181f;
            ballLauncher.forceMagnitude = force;
        ballLauncher.enabled = true;

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How about thinking about it differently…

How about using several colliders in a row?

Less code and you can use OnCollision then.



ooo yeah that’s an interesting approach :).

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