So i’ve just completed the challenge involving launching the pinball.
I’m doing this with an Area Effector, and having it be activated when Spacebar is pressed.
But i wanted to go a step further and add in a gauge (a mini game) where a circle sprite is moving left and right, and the closer to the centre it is when you press spacebar, the more force is applied.
I’ve made it wok, but i was wondering if there was a quicker, or better way i could have done this. Possibly some mathF.somthing I don’t know about.
I’ve tried to explain my working and reasoning in the code, but happy to explain anything if it’s unclear.
Launch Ball Script
public class BallLauncherPower : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Vector2 startingPlace; // (-6.5,0)
[SerializeField] Vector2 finishingPlace; // (6.5,0)
[SerializeField] float movingSpeed = 1f;
[SerializeField] Vector2 velocity = Vector2.zero;
[SerializeField] AreaEffector2D ballLauncher;
Vector2 target;
void Start()
transform.position = new Vector2(startingPlace.x + 1f, startingPlace.y);
target = finishingPlace;
void Update()
transform.position = Vector2.SmoothDamp(transform.position, target, ref velocity, movingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { CalculateForce(); }
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { ballLauncher.enabled = false; }
private void Direction()
Vector2 currentPosition = transform.position;
// SmoothDamp goes to slow near the end for where i'd like, so set the start/finish positions 1f further away,
// and activated the direction switch sooner (by 1f)
if (currentPosition.x >= finishingPlace.x - 1f) { target = startingPlace; }
else if (currentPosition.x <= startingPlace.x + 1f) { target = finishingPlace; }
else return;
private void CalculateForce()
float midPosition = finishingPlace.x + startingPlace.x;
// finishplace.x = 6.5, startplace.x = -6.5, so to get 0, need to plus them,
float targetPosition = transform.position.x;
if (targetPosition <= midPosition)
float force = (targetPosition - startingPlace.x - 0.99f) * 181f;
// max force aimed for is 1000f, requires * 181f to get that if the target is in the centre (0)
// 0 - -6.5 -0.99f = 5.51, *181 = 997.31,.. close enough :)
// 0.99 ensures i dont multiply by 0.
// if its at futhest end,. -5.5 - -6.5 - 0.99f = 0.01 * 181f = 1.81 force.
ballLauncher.forceMagnitude = force;
else if (targetPosition >= midPosition)
float force = (finishingPlace.x - targetPosition - 0.99f) * 181f;
ballLauncher.forceMagnitude = force;
ballLauncher.enabled = true;