Pin rotation resetting

Hi there! First post here, so go easy on me. =)

I found that when i tried to reset my pins, that they would drift in rotation and position, so i found the best way was to turn InKinematic on to kill their momentum and then reset their positions. It works, which is great, but is this a bad idea for any reason?


I ended up doing the same thing- haven’t run into any issues!


What do you mean with “they would drift in rotation and position”? they keep moving after resetted?

Yes - the momentum was preserved, so they would continue spinning / moving,
continuing the movement they were enacting before being reset. =)

use this when raising up the pin to freeze rotation and position

rbPin.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;

and when lowing the pins turn it off

rbPin.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None;

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This Just saved me from smashing up my mac, thank you so much :slight_smile:

Was really annoying when I had pins slightly wobbling at the end of the turn, and the tidy basically killed them all.

If I could send HobNobs, I would :smiley:

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