Phantom movement

I played with something called angular damping in the pawn blueprint under where we set the mass and it seems my phantom walk disappeared.


The reason you have phantom movement is because the default pawn is a sphere and simulate physics is on.

When @ben turned on “Simulate Physics” we got this phantom movement because the sphere that is the pawn is rotating due to the simulation of physics.

You can see this by dispossessing the pawn in-editor while playing the game and seeing the pawn rotating.

The reason angular damping removes this behavior is because it makes the physics engine damp all angular movements on the actor. It adds a “toughness” to the angular movement, the rotation, of the actor.

Another solution is to add a constraint on the pawn and lock the rotation in the X and Y - axis making it impossible for the pawn to rotate.

Thins Ben talkes about this in lecture #90…


I’m glad I found this, I was gonna say the same exact thing, couldn’t say it better. Thank you!

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Guh! I’ve been trying to debug this ever since I added the physics component, surprised it took so long for it to show up in the tutorials! Who would have thought balls roll when you hit them in the face with a table, eh? I feel like a jackass now. :rofl:

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Thank you, I was wondering about this. I just turned mine all the way up to 5363.074219 and it works great. Again, thank you, this was very helpful.

I had the same thing…too funny! isn’t the physics engine here amazing

So how can we fix this? I didnt understand how to do!

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