Perspective Challenge - Purple Ghost

I know the instructor told us to draw in our favorite perspective, but I wanted to try all anyway.

The hardest thing about those challenges is to decide WHAT to draw for me today, haha. Just for the lesson’s sake, I tried to make a simple character, even though my mind told me to go crazy with it. Maybe another time.

I just freestyled and ended up with this cute little ghost. With top-down, side- front and lastly diagonal perspectives.

ghost character x1

ghost character x5

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Again, looking good.
You can get inspiration looking up what other student did or visiting instagram.
Or get a reference from your favorite game.

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Thank you! Working hard :smile:

That’s what I did! Every time I come up to the challenge in the lessons, I quickly check what the students have made to see if I understood correctly, and if I’m at a total loss, I make a quick Pinterest search to come up with ideas.

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