Personal Notes?

Is the personal notes option a new feature or has it always been a thing? Also do you have to go back to the video to read your personal notes or is there another area to see your notes?


It’s been around for a while, but I don’t know much about it, other than that you can read it again when you revisit a video. It might be somewhere else, too, but I haven’t found it.

Also curious to know if it’s possible to read the notes elsewhere.


@Breagha I was watching one of grants videos and went to switch to full screen and accidentally clicked on the notes. It caught me by surprise, and I wished I had known about it when I was going through the Anime Character Creator course.


I just saw this discussion about personal notes.

Taking notes while learning is super important, especially in game dev where there’s so much to remember.

While personal notes are a handy feature, it can be tough to keep track of them all in one place, especially if you’re watching a lot of videos.

I find using a separate note-taking tool like helps a ton! It keeps everything organized and easy to find later.

What do you guys think? :thinking: How do you keep track of your notes while learning game dev?

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