@3:00 A quick google search tells me that the PCK file contains all the project data: scenes, scripts, textures, sounds, etc. What are the advantages or disadvantages of embedding the PCK file?
If i remember correctly its an internal way to package your project so you can share it with others much like using a zip file.
I think the advantage is that its so you dont have to use an external method of packing the project up and can do it within godot and unpacking is the same way.
Hope this helps
that was my take away as well.
just my 2p worth. the project .exe file can have the pck folder embedded within it. my uderstanding is that if it is, then its a single, albeit larger, .exe file to share so not having to worry about having the exe in the same folder as the pck when running.
the one downside for me is the larger exe file.
another one, although im not at that stage yet. could be updates and bug fixes etc.
if you need a bug fix for a game, then you could just replace or update the pck, but if its embedded, then the entire .exe will need to be replaced.
but, ive not got anywhere near that stage in my learning yet.
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