Patrolling Misbehave

I have a misbehave by guards that are patrolling, if attacked they stop walking and starting fight (1), but the other guard (2) still walking as nothing is happening, also the guard 2 won’t detect the enemy.

Also, when the first Enemy detect the the guard and start attacking, the second enemy one won’t start.

In AIController.cs I’m using the CheckForEnemy inside Update which is running if the enemy variable is null, and if it is null, still runs the Patrol (if it is present)…

 private void Update()
            if (health.IsDead()) return;
            if (fighter.enabled)
                if(enemy != null && fighter.enemy != null)
                    if (IsAggrovated(fighter.enemy.transform) && fighter.CanAttack(fighter.enemy.gameObject))
                    else if (timeSinceLastSawEnemy < suspicionTime)

                    if(enemy == null)


private void CheckForEnemy()
    RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, chaseDistance, Vector3.up, 0);
    // Loop over all hits
    foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
        if (hit.transform == transform) continue;

        // Find any ally components
        Fighter enemy = hit.transform.GetComponent<Fighter>();
        // not an enemy at all
        if (enemy == null) continue;
        // the same enemy that we already have
        if (this.enemy == enemy) this.enemy = null;

        // It can be killed!
        if (enemy.GetComponent<Health>() == null) continue;
        // The enemy is dead
        if (enemy.GetComponent<Health>().IsDead()) continue; // No need to update Fighter's target 'cause it will take care of it.

        // The same faction never fight each-other
        if (fighter.faction == enemy.faction) continue;
        // We are friendly =)
        if (gameMaster.GetReputation(fighter.faction, enemy.faction) > 50f) continue; 

        // Our Fighter component is disabled for some reason, maybe it's a pray or a child \_("/)_/
        if (!fighter.enabled && !health.IsDead())

        this.enemy = enemy.gameObject;

        // This is the method that is placed in Health's Event TakeDamage


        if (IsAggrovated(enemy.transform) && fighter.CanAttack(enemy.gameObject))
        else if (timeSinceLastSawEnemy < suspicionTime)
        // We have an enemy so, stops cycling...

private void AttackBehaviour()
        timeSinceLastSawEnemy = 0;


public void Alerted()
    timeSinceAllerted = 0;

private void AlertAllies()
    RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, shoutDistance, Vector3.up, 0);
    // Loop over all hits
    foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
        // Find any ally components
        AIController ai = hit.transform.GetComponent<AIController>();
        if (ai == null) continue;
        // Not a fighter, no sense to alert
        Fighter fighter = hit.transform.GetComponent<Fighter>();
        if (fighter == null) continue;

        // Not an Ally, will not support us!
        if (gameMaster.GetReputation(fighter.faction, ai.fighter.faction) < 55f) continue;

        // Aggro-vate ally

After a bit of tests I notice that, while the guard is walking didn’t react to the enemies :thinking:
Any advice?

Looks like I’ve been able to solve the issue, by updating the AIController enemy variable, in AlertAllies()

private void AlertAllies()
      RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, shoutDistance, Vector3.up, 0);

      foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
            // Find any ally components
            AIController ai = hit.transform.GetComponent<AIController>();
            if (ai == null) continue;
            // Not a fighter, no sense to alert
            Fighter fighter = hit.transform.GetComponent<Fighter>();
            if (fighter == null) continue;

            // Not an Ally, will not support us!
            if (gameMaster.GetReputation(fighter.faction, ai.fighter.faction) < 55f) continue;

            // Inform the ally about the enemy
            ai.enemy = enemy; // Update the ally's AIController
            // Update the ally's Fighter component (misbheave and buggy)
            //ai.fighter.enemy = enemy.GetComponent<Health>();

Anyway I like to chat on the code, so crits and comment are always welcome😁

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