[PathTracer] Failed to add geometry for mesh 'Mesh'

I added some bushes from the asset store, and after a while I got the Path Tracer error:

[PathTracer] Failed to add geometry for mesh ‘Mesh’; mesh contains non-finite values.

Clicking on the error opens up the window where I can edit one of those bushes (bush 2), so this let me to believe the error is caused by this model. I deleted the model from my project and removed them from the scene, but this error stil persists…

Anyone know how to fix this? I read on some forum that this can cause the game to crash upon build, though no solution was provided there


Which version of Unity do you use?

I found this in Unity’s issue tracker:

This thread might also be helpful:


Hi Nina,

Thanks for the reply!

The error has stopped occuring. Don’t really know what it is I did, but I deleted the object (mesh) that caused it. I think I also rebooted my pc and Unity, but at that moment I still got that error. After 2 days it has stopped though.

Thanks anyway!

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