Thanks for this amazing course. Passed today the certification in London with 1900/2000 points (95%), finished in 30 minutes… Some questions were new (they told me that they changed yesterday few stuff, don’t know if it’s real)… However your course give a strong base for passing it… Thank you
Can I ask where you took the course, Unity doesn’t seem to be offering any in the US.
For the course: I use Unity for work by few years and I prepared the exam in 2 weeks. I started 4 years ago studying a base of C# language with some manuals (I don’t have an engineering degree, I studied few C script at my degree in New Technologies applied to Music) and then I approached Unity. I started from their tutorials, then I read many books on different topics. I should suggest you Packt, they have a mixed quality offer of books, but many of them helped me to see “how” something can be done. Now they have a MAPT service, I’m subscribed to it, and you can read all their books for 100$ at year (I think it’s 200$ but you can track their site to get it discounted, many times they made a promotion). The most important source for me was the Unity docs: about learning rendering paths, materials, scripts, each parts of the software… I read the documentation few times, and always I find new things (of course, also because they update the software… ). For example: did you know that there is an amazing page about implementing random generated numbers with different techniques? It’s full of interesting thing.
For the exam: if your main aim is the exam (and I should tell you to NOT approach the exam in that way), I suggest you two things.
FIRST: follow the course from Udemy… They made a very good work. Start doing it one time, follow each video, make all the tests. Go through. Besides, for the arguments that make flickering your eyes (I don’t know, you get stuck with BlenderTrees, for example) check FIRST the official documentation and then, if you want, some books about that (for example, in case of Animation system, few books from Packt are interesting, both the Animation and Animation Cookbook).
KEEP IN MIND: Official docs should be read also because they make the tests, so few questions has elements and terminology that address directly to their own documentation.
SECOND: I went through the Official Courseware in 1 week, as I have for work a Plus subscription. It’s not amazing, but especially for some part, it’s good to make it, as the style of the questions is similar to the exam (it’s made by Unity). There are not many questions during the courseware (around 100 I think), but it goes through most of the arguments…
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UDEMY & OFFICIAL: One main element that you should take care is the style of the Official courseware… While Ben and Same take their time, and for each argument they make usually a 10 minutes videos plus around 5/6 specific questions, Official Courseware is different. You can find a 3 minutes video with a lot of key concepts and 5 questions about a large section of arguments. Not in all the courseware, but especially at the beginning, if you are new to Unity, you should be REALLY careful to what they say, sometimes to each sentence… Then, there are videos focused on Zombie Toys constructions, and here the concept are more abstract, but elements as Agreements, Production process, etc… are quite dense…
However, I took the exam and I made it in 30 minutes, I felt comfortable with preparation. To be sincere, 3 or 4 questions were written in a very strange way, so be prepared that sometimes the problem should be not your preparation, but the type of question.
If you want a direct course, Academy Class for example gives you the possibility of a 1-2-1 training via internet (so everywhere, also US), maybe can helpful if you want to dig inside some arguments. However, Unity exam can be passed as driving license, just studying the questions, but I suggest you to learn Unity and then take the exam.
Hope I help with this answer
Thanks for your fantastic content! I did your course for the “Unity Certification” and I got certified today, after 2 months learning from you guys!!!
I scored 95% in the test.
I’m really happy and grateful to you Sam and Ben!!!
Please keep producing amazing stuff for us all!