I’m having this bizarre issue where the particles shoot towards the camera when in play mode, but in the Scene view, and the Game view while the game isn’t running, the particles work correctly. This happens when the Particle Simulation Space is set to World. I can’t figure out what the issue is. I tried moving the Particle Systems, but that didn’t help.
I’m having exactly the same problem. By chance, have you determined any fix yet?
FWIW, I am using the same version of Unity that the course uses for this exercise: ver. 2017.2.1f1.
I’ve tried to see if there is anything that in inverting the particle system towards the rear – but no luck yet.
I’ve discovered a solution to my problem – so I now have particles shooting out in front of the Player Ship, instead of behind the Player Ship.
I skipped ALL of the steps in the prior lecture - 90 - “Time to Tweak and Tune”.
There was one critical step in that lecture that I believe is the key to this problem.
At about 1:39 into the Lecture 90 – they change the Main Camera’s Waypoint Progress Tracker setting for:
Look Ahead for Target – from 5 to 1. – I believe that this reduces the speed around the circuit.
Other changes from Lecture 90 alter the look – Field of View from 45 to 80
and at 8:45 - changes the speed from 20 to 10.
I believe that the “Look Ahead for Target” - from 5 to 1 is the key to fixing the problem.
Likely, that the speed change from 20 to 10 also helps.
Good luck.
One year later this saved my confusion. Thank you so much!
Thanks, as per your suggestion: I set the Look Ahead For Target Offset back to 1 and it works better. Still other problems with mine, but that helps.
its helps but look ahead target 1 after that my player speed is too slow
Have you guys tried changing the “simulation speed” under the “world/local” setting? Set that value to something higher. I have mine set to 5, but you might have to change that to higher/lower based on what other settings you have for your particles. It made mine much better.
You can also adjust the simulation speed to get them to shoot forward during play.