Parenting issue

When I tired to make the bishop parent of the nouch there is happening something strange, the nouch is duplicating and in the render the picture looks like this, its seems that the duplicated nouchs is belong to the bishop. why its happening and how i solving this issue?

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Impossibe to solve, using these images. Throw away all modifiers!
And start rebuilding the challenge.

i will attach the bishop file, the issue happened there alsoBishop.blend (582.5 KB)


This ones an odd one.
No modifiers in play (Was expecting an array modifier) but simply parenting the notch to the bishop causes this effect as well

To fix this i would try appending the bishop without the notch and the boolean modifier to a new blend file to see if the issue is there

You may end up needing to remake the bishop though

Downloaded it and opening in Blender 2.81.16. No problem found. just a nice render.

Now try parenting the notch to the bishop :wink:

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