Parent position being affected by Main Camera child? Argon Assault

Hi! I’m really struggling with this issue. I’m working on Rick’s “Argon Assault” game, and He creates an “empty” and renames it to Player Rig, and inside it he puts a cube named Player Ship and a Main Camera.

I am able to line everything up on top of Player Rig at 0,0,0 - but then when I move my main camera backwards it seems to move my Player Rig off of the same spot that my Player ship is at, whereas Rick’s Player Ship and Player Rig stay lined up.

When I move the Main Camera back to 0, it all lines up. But I want the Camera behind it. Any Idea how to fix this? It’s driving me crazy. lol. Thanks!

This is being caused by the Tool Handle Position setting in your inspector. In your project it’s currently set to Center and so Unity is placing the tool at the middle point between Player Ship and Main Camera. You can click on the dropdown to select Pivot and that should cause it to behave the way it does in the lecture video.

Annotation 2024-05-18 130708

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Thank you @Satinel - Solved!

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