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Was having issues with normals on my model. Even when I calculate outwards it doesn’t work, but still looks good.

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In EDIT mode use Shift N.

But your problem is due to the fact that a FACE (where the normal is shown) has only one side, The other side is not available. In other words a FACE has no thickness, that’s why it has only one side. That is the side with the normal.

To fix the you need to make the FACE thick. For example, by extrusion. Or start to work with a block model.

There is also a modifier for this it’s called SOLIDIFY.

Your mesh model is complex. Better to break it up into parts. It speeds up also the build.
Because your mesh model has only two unique parts. A stand and a basket.
By duplication a stand and the basket you get your model. But modular.

The basket then needs to have SOLIDIFY modifier attached to it.

But al these techniques will be discussed in the course. Be patient, you will get there.

Nevertheless, nice work!

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