Is it possible to paint details such as billboarded grass textures programmatically? (The kind that appear vertical and wave according to wind settings, that is.)
What I know so far (or think I do):
- Terrain.TerrainData.terrainLayers holds the “flat” textures (dirt/rock/grass) that can be painted onto the terrain
- Terrain.TerrainData.detailPrototypes holds the billboard-able grass/vegetation textures that can be painted to appear vertical / waving in the wind
- Terrain.TerrainData.treePrototypes holds the 3D tree models imported for placement
- Terrain.TerrainData.treeInstances holds (I would guess) actual placements of trees on the terrain
What I don’t know:
- MY MAIN GOAL: “Paint” billboarded grass details at specific positions on the terrain programmatically
- Alphamaps (and splatmaps??) seem to figure into this somehow, but I don’t know how
- The example found here “blend[s] the two terrain textures according to the steepness of the slope at each point”, but that’s not exactly what I’m trying to do.
- I also found this fairly ancient (2014) blog post, but I don’t see any reference to adding billboarded brass details in it either.
Hopefully this makes sense to someone willing to point me in the right direction.