Painting option to set terrain peering bits

Hi :wave:,

I wanted to share that it would have been great to show how to use the painting option to set the terrain peering bits.

I guess in a future update for the next students :slightly_smiling_face:



I did a sort of poke around when 4 came out, I’ll paste the post I made to see if it helps anyone.

—my old post —

Anyhoo, I’ve been having a good poke around tilemaps last week and thought I’d share what I found in relation to setting up the bits for terrains. Just makes it a little quicker and intuitive for me anyhoo.

what i like to do is assign them bright different colors, so i can tell at a glance that theyre different.and if we hover the mouse over the name of the terrain, we get its id numbers.taking the one ive made for Clover (the green one) i can see that this is Terrain Set 0, and the Terrain has an ID of 2,so now if i go to the Tileset option at the bottom, then the Select mode at the top.
if i select and highlight the tiles that i want to use for say the Clover one.we set the Terrain IDs to what we got from the name. in this example Terrain Set 0 and Terrain 2.
this assigns the selected tiles to that terrain.
we can then do this for the other Terrains we created, just click on an empty tile and select the tiles to be used in one of the other sets, then assign its Terrain Set and as a visual indicator as well, if you then click on Paint at the top (while in the tileset option at the bottom)
from here (this might already be selected) but from the paint properties dropdown, we can select this opens up the following options for Painting, so we can ensure that the correct Terrain Set is selected.this gives a sort of overview to what colors (Terrains are assigned)from here you can pick one of the Terrain options and paint on wrong ones, but its handy to see at a glance whats set up.

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