As I’ve said in another thread, I made this as a birthday present, and for someone who likes reading, and has read Wings Of Fire, a book series about dragons. So with those factors, I came up with this idea for a model, and boy was it a hard one. The dragon of course is the centerpiece and thus took the longest and turned out to be a real challenge.
These were the two reference pictures I used, but even with them, it was quite rough. I looked at a few others, just to get an idea of dragon anatomy, and even with all that, it took quite a while. I think the wings were the roughest part. Next came the rig, which wasn’t too bad, just had to map out which bones would affect what, making vertex groups to do this. I had already done the materials at this point, but not what was used in the final product, I used materials to make it look like the first reference, but decided a fresnel material would look much much better, and add to the idea even more with its vivid and imaginative nature.
Didn’t pose it, but you can still imagine what it would’ve been like, and I think you’ll agree what I chose was the better option.
Overall, I’m proud of this one, and I’m fond of the idea I came up for it. Took around 4 hours and as I said, was a challenge, but was definitely worth the time spent and I think it’ll make a nice birthday present.