Packaged lighting problem

Hi guys,

Cross posted from the lecture questions as it’s probably useful for other Linux users

When i am in the editor, I have the following results:

main menu



but when the project is packaged (for linux) the main menu is fine:

but the level lighting seems to have some problems

I have tried packaging it a couple of times but i get the same result.

Could you steer me in the right direction for where to poke to fix this please?



ah okay. I’ve been using the editor under OpenGL because Vulkan kept locking up my system. When I checked the logs for the build, I saw that it was using Vulkan for rendering so I tried going back to Vulkan in the editor I had the same problem (lighting broken).

The game is started with a shell script under Linux so I tried editing the scripts to include the -opengl4 flag that I use on the editor and it totally worked (total guess btw)

I’ve included the edit here for posterity


UE4_TRUE_SCRIPT_NAME=$(echo \"$0\" | xargs readlink -f)
chmod +x "$UE4_PROJECT_ROOT/BattleTank/Binaries/Linux/BattleTank-Linux-DebugGame"
"$UE4_PROJECT_ROOT/BattleTank/Binaries/Linux/BattleTank-Linux-DebugGame" BattleTank $@ 

Revised version

UE4_TRUE_SCRIPT_NAME=$(echo \"$0\" | xargs readlink -f)
chmod +x "$UE4_PROJECT_ROOT/BattleTank/Binaries/Linux/BattleTank-Linux-DebugGame"
"$UE4_PROJECT_ROOT/BattleTank/Binaries/Linux/BattleTank-Linux-DebugGame" BattleTank -opengl4 $@ 

Let’s hope they solve the Vulkan issues at some point in the future, especially as it’s the actual default for Linux - using Ubuntu 20.04 with nvidia-440 meant that UE4Editor didn’t immediately crash (although getting system lockups) so it’s getting closer

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