Package Manager before importing?

Wouldn’t the initial import of the starter kit asset go much smoother if we added the InputManager first before we added the starter kit, so it’s there right from the beginning?

One could actually add some of the project settings into the unitypackage, but depending on how one does it, this might make the package cumbersome if you intended dropping it in some project you already started.
I have to say, using that Preset option for setting the tags and layers is really neat!

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Hi heckert,

Apologies this one escaped me (it slipped through whilst i was off sick for a little over a week and a half!)
That sounds like it could be an option as i am guessing this relates to the 2D asset pack that we have on the unity store?
I think the reason it wasnt added in the unitypackage was to keep the package as small as possible and less cumbersome as you say.

Apologies again for missing this one

Yes and no…

As one can see there are two versions of the tutorials, one starts with the asset files for download (is self contained) and the other apparently is only the videos and would go with the asset packaged if bought in the asset store (I suppose).
The videos themselves should be the same, though.

I posted on the one titled “Project File Setup”

What I meant is two things:

  1. It would make the flow of the tutorial better to switch the order from now (import the asset package, then add the InputSystem in the PackageManager) to doing it the other way round and not having errors about missing script files at all.

  2. It would be possible to add the project’s package list as part of the asset package, so Unity should automatically load the InputSystem as a package dependency, but doing so would make it one of the kind of assets that overwrite the the file that lists what packages have been imported (if you ever imported an asset and unity prompted you whether you want to overwrite the settings or if you’d rather open the package in a new project, then you know what I mean).
    In this case the issue about the order wouldn’t happen because you wouldn’t have to import the InputSystem separately, but it makes it more difficult to use the asset, especially if you wanted to add it later to an existing project.
    (it wouldn’t really add on the package’s size, because the InputSystem package itself wouldn’t be part of it…)

The emphasis of the posting would be the first thing, switch the order of the imports and avoid having a state of errors in between… :wink:

@Stephen_Hubbard @garypettie This falls within your scope of things as its changing asset packs and videos to make it easier and avoiding errors that can be avoided.

This being said having the errors can show how to fix them should you come accross them with other asset packs as well.

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Good catch. Yes probably should have been done the way you suggested :smiley:

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Good point, too… But possibly more on topic in a different course than just this tutorial tour around that particular package?

I agree, It should be more of a teaching point in a teaching course rather than this type of showcase type course.
I had to go look a little closer at the courses in depth :slight_smile:

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