Own tutorial system for the game

Hi there, I want to make tutorial system for my 2,5D game. In general I want to build some kind of editor extensions that will help future designer to fast and easily build own tutorials within game.

My initial idea for this is to create 3 classes.
a) TutorialManager

  • Main workorse of this system (dont know what it will contains, yet…)
  • Disable/hide/dim all elements of the scene
  • Camera managment for foucusing on element from the scene
  • Camera transition between elements on the scene

b) Tutorial

  • One of multiple tutorials. Eg. game can have starting tutorial, an future tutorials. User finish starting tutorial, then play for some time and then after some event happen eg. he reaching 1000 gold next tutorial starts (eg. showing him how to build a house)
  • Consist of states

c) States

  • Elements of one tutorial
  • It can be many things, eg showing some character portrait on left (with transition/animation), showing bubble with text (also animated), pointing to some button by arrow (also animated)

Player starts game. He sees only background with the street and some obstacles. Whole scene is dimmed. From the left side will show up picture of main character. Player tap and then bubble with text show up. Player taps again and text changes inside bubble. After some more tapping other character picture show up from the right side and this works preetty the same as before. At the end of conversation between characters, button will show up betweeen them (not dimmed), with highlight (customizable by designer, eg border color, border thicknes, offset etc) around it and player must press it. Then fight start at the street and pictures of characters with bubbles dissapear. Scene is undimmed now.

Example 2:
Player enter for the first time inventory. I want to dim out most of stuff inside inventory and highlight one item (eg. sword). Player must tap sword to equip it then smth else happen…

Can anybody point me to the places in the internet or some of courses where I can see some examples how other peoples manage to build some kind of this tutorial systems? Mayby in our courses we have done smth simillar (eg. i was thinking of checking out our rpg course, section about inventory and dialogs)?

I would be also very gratefull if anyone could give me some suggestions for my classes. How to structurize them and what should they do in general meaning…

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