OverlapAllDynamic not working out

Collision Preset on my Wheel is PhysicsActor, the same as in the video and I’ve set the tracks to OverlapAllDynamic to allow for wheels to go though the mesh, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Working examle with enough space between Tracks and Wheel

Example of them coliding

Probably an overlooked detail but I would love fix this

Fixed - changed the collision shape and bounds on the tank body to allow for a cushion the movement.
I think I didn’t do that 50 lessons ago :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t remember what lecture the collision adjustment was made, but I had to do the same thing. Thanks for posting your solution.

Just to be super clear:

Tracks -> physics -> CollisionPreset: OverlapAllDynamic

Surely OverlapAllDynamic on the Tank body makes the collisions with projectiles stop working?

This setting is just on the tracks

Thanks for the clarification. To add further context, I checked out the course repo and duplicated the settings there as I wasn’t seeing the same behaviour in my game. For reference:

  • Axle: Custom collision setting, Query+Physics enabled for collisions, Object Type must be WorldStatic.
  • Wheel: Physics Actor collision preset.

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