Overflow in memory allocator (Particle system)

Hi everyone!

I’ve been playing with my particle system duration in this lecture and I have stumbled upon a very weird error that occurs specifically only when I am trying to change the duration value of the particles.

I’ve got some ideas as to why this is happening, but I was not able to find an issue exactly similar to mine, just a Reddit post that has to do with VR, another post back in 2009 about particles leaking memory and this, which is the same error, just happening when the user opened a scene. After a few attempts I managed to change the value and it’s now working fine, but it was still a bit weird.

I managed to reproduce the error a few times:

  • Happened when I was first deleting the initial value

  • Happened when I just deleted the “5” in front (so I could get a decimal)

  • Also happened when I simply tried to replace the initial value with any other number.

I know that I’ve been playing with a couple of things in my game like an ocean system and the Terrain Tools that is still a preview package, but I’d like to ask if anyone else has encountered this error, or what could be the reason behind it. Thank you for your time!

Hi Michael,

Which version of Unity do you use?

The pink colour usually indicates that a material or texture are missing. Maybe your problem has to do with it. Click on the Renderer module in the Particle System and make sure a material is assigned. If there is a material assigned, check whether the material has got an image.

If you did that and if the issue persists, recreate the Particle System. Sometimes, the components are a bit buggy.

Last but not least, check if there is a newer stable version of Unity available. If there is one, update your version. Maybe your problem is caused by a bug which was already fixed by the Unity developers.

Hi Nina,

I am using 2019.2.17f1.
Indeed, I did not assign a material - my bad - but I sometimes I still get the error even in if I do have a material assigned.

I’ve noticed that if I create a Particle System and change its duration without saving my work, then I get the error. If I do save, then the error doesn’t appear at all. Also, not having a material assigned does not cause the error either, because if I again save after I create the Particle System, then I get no errors at all.

That sounds like a bug. Maybe you could report it to Unity via Help > Report a bug.

That’s what I’ll do, thanks for your time.

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