Output Log Error: Display

When doing the challenge I found that while I could type in “Error” and “Warning” in the UE_LOG, I would have issues with “Display”:

For some reason the top line is underlined with red. When I try to compile it, the compiler gets stuck, and won’t finished compiling, but it will not create an error message either.

When I open up my VS project this message came up:

The .NET Core SDK cannot be located. .NET Core debugging will not be enabled. Make sure the .NET Core SDK is installed and is on the path.

But I closed everything down, reinstalled it, and while I still have the first issue, this one is no longer there.

You misspelt Display, missing an L

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Somehow “idiot” is not sufficient enough to describe myself. But then again, that is why it is always good to have a fresh pair of eyes.


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