Other Students confused around the Arrays Quiz Master Complete 2D Unity lesson

This lesson, and quite frankly the whole Quiz Master section, can be pretty complicated if you’re not familiar with topics like how parameters function considering where this takes place in the course. Since this section isn’t quite as carefully explained as other sections of the course up to this point, if you’re struggling I recommend either skipping to the next section of the C# 2D Complete Course (TileVania) and coming back to this one later, taking the time to look up and make sure you understand everything you’re confused on if your Google-fu is strong enough, or switching to an entirely different Gamedev.tv tutorial course and coming back afterwards. (The latter is what I did, jumping over to the excellent 2D RPG: Complete Combat System course and slowly breaking that one apart and finishing it before coming back.) Basically, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t you dare give up! Skip around and try some other sections or courses or check out some C# books like the C# Player’s Guide which was recommended in another topic by Heckadactyl. Then be sure to come back for these important UI lessons when you feel ready.

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