Other GameDev.tv Courses

We have a wide range of courses to support your development, including…

How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry
The 2D Game Artist: Design Simple Pixel Art From Scratch
Finish It! Motivation & Processes For Game & App Development
The Board Game Developer: Become A Game Design Ninja
Discovering Godot: Make Video Games in Python-like GDScript
Creativity for Coders: How to Create Ideas from Scratch

You can also access discussions about these courses via these tags…

#godot, #get-a-job, #gimp, #board-games, #creativity, #finish-it

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@Lucy_Becker could you pop all non Unity, Blender or Unreal courses in here?


All up to date :slight_smile:


Thank you, I’ve also added tags to help people access the courses per @Yann_Burrett’s comment.

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Should git smart be here

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Absolutely, please add this @Lucy_Becker and also any others that are missing.

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Just started the course and wanted to say HI

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Welome Aboard to the community David :wave:
apologies for being a smidge late :frowning:

Lucy, I have messaged you on Facebook :smile:

This may not be the right place to ask this…
Some of these courses are available through both GameCev.tv and Udemy. I was just settling in on the new GDTV site (where I see many of these duplicate courses). Then I bought a course on Udemy that I originally saw on GDTV… It showed up in an email ad and I wasnt paying attention. Now I have to jump back and forth. Will courses that can be found on both sites eventually show up in my list on GameDev.tv or are the two separate entities when it comes to purchases? Does this question even make sense?

See the second half of Marc’s comments; I think it should just about cover your question:

Started the Godot Course


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