Oscillator script Code keyword completion not working

A strange thing is happening in my newly created Oscillator script. When I start to type the script the “word” completion options is not listing all the options. Some are coming up but most are not. So if I start to write [ SerializeField ] , its not coming up in the pick list. Yet when I swap to my Rocket script, it works just fine. I tried a few other keywords like AudioClip but this to does not show a list of options. Both rocket script and oscillator script are open in visual studio on separate tabs. Any one know what I am doing wrong?

No idea why the problem above occurred. I rebooted my machine and the code keywords come up as expected…weird though that the key words came up on the
rocket script but not the oscillator script.

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I’ve run into the same things when I’m using Visual Studio Community 2017 (vs monodevelop). I don’t know the cause, visual studio just seems to randomly stop recognizing unity keywords from time to time. Restarting or reloading VS, rebooting usually fixes it.

Thanks so much for marking this as solved :slight_smile:

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Here’s a great resource on ways to try to fix it:

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Great info Scott. Thanks

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