Orc - Manual Retopo Body!

After watching and following along with the Retopology section, I decided to go with a manual retopology for the body and hopefully can bake from multi-res for all the armour pieces. Simply because the amount of work just to fix the automatic retopo was about the same amount of work to just manually retopo it…, and manually you have far more control and it comes out sooo much cleaner!

The one thing that caught me off guard was how hard it was to retopo the hand!! Holy Universe, it took me almost as much time just to do the hand as the rest of the body! Maybe even longer… I lost track of time lol. Hopefully that is something I can get better at as I’m not a huge fan of the retopo/baking stage, even less so of spending many hours on a single body part!

In the end I think it was worth it as I learned a great deal about topology, and it turned out nice and clean! Plus, I wanted to see if I could do it. :sunglasses:

Anyways here’s my Retopologized Orc body!



Wow that’s crazy! I’m happy that you figured it out!

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Hard work, it will pay off!

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Not all faces are square. Especially Orcs face. But I don’t think is problematic (maybe in animation …)
Good progress!

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Thanks man! I got a hand from online :rofl:

Haha I’d been saving that bad pun for awhile now lol. But seriously, this image was the main reference I used. And it was very helpful.


I’m not sure how much that actually matters, but it is a good point. When I retopo’d my frog I painstakingly went around and tried to make every face square and even sized… but in the end it didn’t seem to matter too much as long as they were mostly quads and not TOO deformed. And it felt like wasted hours of work…

It will be a good experiment to see how this turns out if its not all even quads. Luckily I have a seperate save-file the moment before applying the modifiers on the retopo that I can easily jump back to and fix the mesh if you are right about the square faces! Need to pick SourceTree back up one of these days for organization…

Thanks eh!

Btw, I noticed I didn’t add a good shot of the face… so I quickly snapped one and its actually not too bad on the face.

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I like your manual retopo. I am using the manual process as well for the same reason you mentioned. I like what you did with the hands. More detail then just having them balled up in a fist.

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Thanks man, I already have some experience with sculpting so I wanted to push myself outside my comfort zone. Manual retopo was the way to go with the body, but for the armor pieces it’s definitely worth it to invest in understanding different methods of automatic retopo as well.

Personally I like to Un-subdivide or simply decimate with the decimate modifier to a slightly higher poly count than I want, then manually fix it up from there. But there are loads of different workflows. The trick is to understand which workflow works best on your project, and to be efficient about it.

Good luck!

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