Orc cavities still have minor problems

I’ve been using the forum-wiki on GameDev here and found some solutions that helped me minimize and eliminate almost all of the Black spots when in materials or render mode, but I have one last spot I cannot seem to resolve.

In materials mode: (On the left side I circled where this issue comes up compared to the UV/cavity map)

In Render mode:

I had to modify the mesh a little to get rid of some other spots, but this one I cannot seem to get rid of. Any tips or advice on what may be causing this last spot to look like this in render mode? It’s behind the ear so if I can’t figure it out soon, I’ll move on and just let it be a bad spot this time around.

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I assume you have checked the mesh for any oddities?

It is a strange one. May be easiest just to paint the area a closer colour and move forward. Though it may well appear on the other maps too and need similar attention.


I never solved this white spot so far, but I’ve continued working on the project. If anyone else has input still, please let me know :slight_smile:

edit* yes checked for oddities! Tried to modify the ear mesh multiple times but no changes to that spot.

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